Long Long

A journey begins

Week 6: Reflections on Being UX Team of one in the Gaming Industry

Hi friends,

This week, I’d like to share some reflections on my growth as a designer. While sorting through some old files, I found my past portfolio, which brought back memories of my three years in mobile gaming, one year in finance, and now two years in real estate. This week, I’ve been reflecting on the differences and growth I’ve experienced between my time in mobile gaming and my current job. I’ll save my learnings from the finance industry for another time.

Growth Design vs. Core Product Design

Back in the gaming days, our products were already mature, so my work mainly focused on growth design—like setting up daily rewards, monthly challenges, and subscription models. These designs were all about meeting business needs, and we did a ton of A/B testing to support them. I also got to work on a new game from the ground up, but because the concepts were so similar, the team often joked that it felt like a side project. In contrast, I’ve always been more drawn to core product design, where I can focus on user experience. Now, my role revolves around core product design, iterating based on technical and user challenges. This year, we’ve started running more growth-related A/B testing, and I’m excited to see how my past experience can contribute to these experiments.

Mobile-First vs. Multi-Platform Design

In the gaming company, we focused on mobile first, extending to tablets and web versions. The nature of the games allowed me to create lots of animations, making the experience more engaging. Now, my design scope is much broader, covering both web and mobile platforms, and I’m dealing with more complex design systems. Unlike before, there’s less room for those fun micro-interactions; it’s more about making sure the whole system works seamlessly together.

Product Complexity

In gaming, the product was straightforward. We used vibrant colors and playful styles, with our style guides mainly applied to growth related features, new content, and marketing assets like seasonal events and App Store visuals. In my current role, the product architecture is way more complex. Sometimes it’s so intricate that I need to consult with other designers just to understand what’s feasible. The design system here is heavily used and needs to fit into existing structures while being adaptable for various use cases. We also have a dedicated design system team to ensure everything aligns and functions cohesively.

Working with Data

At the gaming company, we had weekly meetings where data analysts presented reports on daily active users, retention, and revenue. The data was straightforward, and we could easily spot trends based on game cycles and seasons. In my current role, with so many features and user interactions, it’s much harder to pinpoint insights from a single metric. I rely on analysts to help make sense of the data. With recent testing, everyone’s constantly debating which metrics matter most. I’m hoping to learn more about how design connects with these numbers.

Shifting from a UX Team of One to a Larger Design Team

Back then, I was the whole design team, handling everything from research to design, user testing, and marketing. It was fulfilling but also limiting—I had no one to bounce ideas off of. Now, I’m part of a team of over ten designers. We have regular design reviews and meetings, which help me see things from different perspectives. Working with researchers and strategists has broadened my thinking and opened up new growth opportunities.

Small Teams with Direct Communication vs. Large Teams with Diverse Stakeholders

In the gaming company, communication was straightforward. I often discussed design decisions directly with the CTO and developers and sometimes acted as a project manager to keep things on track. But now, I work with a much wider range of stakeholders—PMs, engineers, analysts, operations teams, and more. Each group has its own priorities, so clear communication and frequent alignment through meetings and presentations have become crucial skills.

Community-Driven Users vs. Helping Users Achieve Dreams

One of my favorite parts of working in gaming was seeing how players formed communities. They set up a Facebook group with more than 10k users, and every time we launched something new, there was a ton of excitement and discussion. Now, while our user base is much larger, the product is more function-driven and less about community. But on the flip side, our product helps people take real steps toward their dreams, which is incredibly rewarding in a different way.

Wrapping Up

I’ve realized that as a designer, I need to keep updating my portfolio and reflecting on my growth. Moving from a small gaming startup to finance, and now to real estate tech, I’ve learned so much—from growth-focused design to tackling complex, team-driven projects. I’m looking forward to creating more workshops, diving deeper into design strategy and data, and applying my past experiences to new challenges.




增長型設計 vs 核心產品設計

在遊戲公司時,產品已經很成熟,我的工作主要是增長設計,像是每日獎勵、每月挑戰,以及訂閱制度等,這些設計圍繞商業需求,並進行了大量的 A/B 測試。同時,我也參與了新遊戲的從無到有設計,但由於遊戲內容相似,團隊戲稱這些新遊戲像是 side project。相比之下,我更喜歡核心產品設計,從使用者體驗出發進行設計。現在的公司,我主要做核心產品設計,從技術和用戶問題著手進行設計迭代。今年起,團隊開始進行多種用戶增長測試,希望能將過去的經驗應用在這些實驗中。

手機為主 vs 多平台設計



在遊戲公司時,設計使用多元的遊戲顏色與風格,設計系統的應用集中在增長設計、新遊戲設計和行銷設計上,如季節性活動和 App Store 的行銷素材。現在的公司,因產品架構複雜,設計系統的應用範圍更廣,也必須基於既有架構進行設計,還需與不同部門合作,設計需求和廣度都大不相同,也需要透過各種工作坊讓大家的想法對齊。





小公司直接溝通 vs 大公司多元利益相關者

在遊戲公司時,溝通簡單直接,常常直接與 CTO 和工程師討論設計決策,有時還需兼任專案經理,管理專案進度。而在現在的公司,利益相關者眾多,從 PM、工程師到數據和營運團隊,每個人的需求不盡相同,需要大量的會議和簡報來對齊目標,這讓我學會如何清晰表達設計意圖與方向。

用戶社群的互動 vs 幫助用戶實現夢想



